The best way to test if a lawnmower is working or not is to use an ohmmeter. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to test coil on lawn mower by an ohmmeter correctly. If this is your case, then it is high time for you to learn about this useful tool.
Do not worry because learning how to use an ohmmeter is not hard; all you have to do is follow our guidance below. We’ve gathered all the important details that will help you check your grass cutter’s coil by an ohmmeter.
Let’s find out now!
How To Test Coil On Lawn Mower By An Ohmmeter?
Alright! We will now go straight to the main juicy part. Let’s learn how to test coil on lawn mower by an ohmmeter!
Principles of the test
How the Coil operates
If your grass cutter does not operate, the first thing to check is the spark plug. Probably, this machine plug is unable to fire.
Typically, all you need to do when you encounter this situation is simply remove the plug and replace it with a new one. You should also make sure that the device’s fuel or gas does not leak, and there is no problem with the air circulation system.
What if you have completed all the works as mentioned above already, but the grass cutter still refuses to operate? Then it is time to have a look at the ignition coil! What you should check here is to see if this coil ignites continuously or not.
Technically, an ignition coil is a motor that provides high voltage to fire the spark plug. If this coil is broken, then surely the grass cutter will not be able to run anymore. In this case, you will need to change the coil with a new, good-quality one.
In order to determine if the machine coil ignites endlessly or not, you will need the support of an ohmmeter.
Testing The Continuity of the Ignition Coil
The lawnmower ignition coil contains an electric wire that is wound many times around a metal or plastic core. If this wire has an issue, the ignition coil will not be able to operate correctly.
Of course, it is quite difficult to open the coil and check out that wire. But luckily, we have an easier way for you to do it, which is checking the continuity.
To do the continuity test, you will have to deliver a very small electrical current from the wire’s power source. At the same time, use the ohmmeter to measure the resistance of the electricity.
If the result lies in the range between 2,500 and 5,000 Ohms, your coil is normal. Otherwise, if the result shows an infinite symbol (or a super high number), then your coil is having some issues.
How to do the work?
Prepare the Coil
At the beginning of the test, we have to locate and prepare the coil. Normally, the ignition coil of a lawnmower is placed under the motor cover.
When you find that part, the next thing to do is to expose its housing. Keep in mind that each grass cutter model has a different amount of housing dismantling. So just keep exposing and exposing till you find that coil.
Another way to find the ignition coil is to follow the wire that is attached to the spark plug. This wire is usually used to connect the spark plug and the metal box placed inside the grass cutter. When you find this box, open it. Then you will find the coil.
Prepare the Ohmmeter
Now, we will go together to prepare the ohmmeter! Adjust the tool so that it can measure the resistance of the electric current in the range of 20,000 Ohms.
On the other hand, if your tool is not an ohmmeter, but a multimeter, then you have to set the dial of it to the measurement of 20,000 ohms. Next, you need to put its red lead in the normal jack and put the other black one into the Ω marked jack.
Before beginning to test the ignition coil continuity, you should check if your tool works or not. The checking process is quite simple. Just put the two leads close to each other, then put them far from each other.
Remember to read the result on the ohmmeter. When the two leads contact together, the result shown on the tool must be near to 0. Otherwise, when the two leads stand far from each other, the meter should indicate 1, or show an infinity symbol.
Testing Procedure
Firstly, expose the ignition coil of your grass cutter. Detach all the wires inside it except the wire of the spark plug. Take an end of the plug wire out of the spark plug. Make sure that you place this end far away from the plug.
Next, place the red lead of the meter on a metal plate inside the spark plug’s boot as deep as possible. Also, put the black lead of the meter to the housing of the metal coil. When the installation is completed, the rest is to check the ohmmeter.
As we have discussed above, if the result stays between 2,500 and 5000 ohms, your coil is in the normal state. Otherwise, if you receive an infinity result, then the coil is broken.
As you can see, it is totally not hard to learn how to test coil on lawn mower by an ohmmeter, right? Just by following our guidance, you can check whether your grass cutter is broken down or not.
For more tips with lawnmowers, please follow our website. We will update new posts soon!
And now, we will have to say goodbye here. Many thanks for reading!