Scroll Saw vs Bandsaw: Specs & Feature Comparison

Are you looking for a comparison between a scroll saw and a bandsaw?

In modern life, saw machines are indispensable devices for precise cutting. Some trades, even some houses, also kit up this tool to conveniently refurbish or repair their residence.

Most saw machines ensure their main features, and each item comes to the market with its various advantages. Hence, it is inevitable for you to struggle to select one out of this couple – scroll saw vs bandsaw. Visiting our comparison will be a wise option to end your confusion. Read on!

The Key Difference Between Scroll Saw Vs Bandsaw

Here we are about to weigh up the scroll saw and bandsaw in terms of six features: purpose, blades, thickness, cutting, versatility, budget.


When you have to face a selection between a scroll saw and band saw, the reason why you want to look for a saw tool will pop up in your mind first. Below are the key points of the difference between the two devices:

A band saw is perfect when you intend to cut some thick and bulky materials. You can easily find these tools in a professional or industrial setting.

Meanwhile, a scroll saw is intended for making intricate designs. These tools apply oscillatory motion, which brings you a delicate and smooth finish.


The blade is the biggest difference you can discover at ease by comparing two of these saw tools.

It will be a mistake if we don’t point out that this component is a key factor that results in a lot of distinction between a bandsaw and a scroll saw.

The blade on a bandsaw is fixed and relatively long. In the meanwhile, the blade on the other tool is shorter and flexible.

Moreover, changing blades for scroll saws is also quite easy as the only heed you need to care about is how to get the new blade into the right place with its tension. To make this step go smoother, remember to utilize the tensioning knob.

Now, let’s move and dig deeper into the dissimilarity between these couple of products.

There are six main features to compare between a scroll saw and a bandsaw


This factor will be the first difference from the component we have just mentioned above.

Scroll saws are going to give you more versatility when they could have a wide variety of cuts. In comparison, band saws are often best ideal for cutting regular lines.


The dimension of materials you want to cut will play a key role in deciding which tool you should utilize.

Manufacturers have equipped delicate and thin blades (20,32 cm in length, 0.635 cm in thickness) for scroll saws, which is not compatible with slitting through thick wood chunks.

However, the scroll saw’s rival in this comparison can smoothly handle quite thick material, from 15.24 cm up to approximately 76.2 cm, with its long blade.


Thanks to the reciprocating blade of the scroll saw, which allows it to move down and up with ease, you will be free to move the materials around if necessary. Thus, this machine will be a perfect choice if you want circular, curved cuts and even detailed inside slits.

In the controversy, with a bandsaw version, you should place the priority on making straight cuts, normal lines on the materials.


Electric devices will cost a pretty sum of money. Nevertheless, a band saw is at a bit higher price than its opponent.

Scroll saws are affordable for crafters, woodworkers, or some house owners who want to equip them to use in a convenient way. In comparison, band saws are more pricey because they belong to the commercial tools for wood factories.

These saw machines will cost a pretty sum of money from you

Quick Rundown Of Scroll Saw


  • Outstanding for crafts
  • Accurate cuts
  • Affordable


  • Not fit for some thick materials
  • Unsuitable for a straight Cut

Quick Rundown Of Bandsaw


  • Suitable for some thick materials
  • Great for straight cuts
  • Outstanding speed and accuracy


  • Not smooth for edge cuts
  • Pricey

Bottom Lines 

We believe that you will be more confident in choosing a saw machine after reading this scroll saw vs bandsaw comparison. Furthermore, it clearly can be seen which cutting appliance is compatible with your needs.

In summary, if you want to look for a saw machine for your personal projects that require complex designs, you should prefer a scroll saw. In case you are going to start up your own wooden business or equip sawing tools for commercial plans, we completely recommend band saws for you.

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