What Can You Do With A Plasma Cutter? Here Is The Answer!

What Can You Do With A Plasma Cutter?

Have you ever heard about a plasma cutter? It’s a versatile tool for engineers and metal repairers to cut through conductive materials.

So, what can you do with a plasma cutter? This device, without a doubt, has multiple uses that will favour your work and life a great deal. This post will disclose all of its typical applications for you. Follow us!

Basic Information About A Plasma Cutter

Before discovering the uses of a plasma cutter, we need to learn more about its detailed description.

Plasma cutter, which utilizes a powerful jet of hot plasma to cut through conductive materials, is an indispensable tool in the plasma cutting field. It can slice through a variety of materials such as aluminium, steel, stainless steel, brass, or copper.

Do you know how this device is operated? It is when an electric arc is passed through a specific gas, then this cutter starts working. By the way, the gas can be oxygen, nitrogen, shop air, argon, etc.

Plasma Cutter

There are three typical types of plasma cutters frequently seen:

  • The first model is the 211-V plasma cutter. This is the most common model designed to be used in mining operations.
  • The second product is a Makeshift plasma cutter used in plenty of surgeries.
  • The final version is unnamed, so we don’t have much knowledge of it. We only know that it appears to be a combination of these two previous models’ features, namely in size and aesthetics factor. This model can be used to upgrade or amend various weapons.

What Can You Do With A Plasma Cutter?

As we mentioned earlier, a plasma cutter is able to offer you a lot of benefits when it comes to working efficiency. Commonly, you could use a plasma cutter to deal with five typical jobs as follows.

  • Metal Manufacturing On The Road

First of all, the contractors or trade workers often use small and portable plasma cutters in their jobs to save up the working time.

However, before using a plasma cutter, the metal has to be pre-cut to an appropriate length. This portable cutter is a crucial tool for the HVAC/Refrigeration, as well. Specifically, contractors can cut and repair the sheet panels by themselves.

  • Industry Fabrication

In terms of fabrication, plasma cutters will be controlled by a computer system called CNC. The plasma cutter is frequently applied in the air conditioning and heating industry to create the same multi-axis cuts precisely.

Also, thanks to this cutter, we can make correct repeated models and welding seam rapidly.

  • Metal Recycling

A plasma cutter is proven to play a vital role in this job because it will bring you pieces of quick metal cutting and satisfying storage.

For example, various junkyards now make a profit by selling redundant stuff, including scrap metal. In many applications, after being melted down, metal will be formed and reused. Therefore, productivity and space will be augmented.

  • Plumbing

This field is undoubtedly related to plumbers. For heavy works, they need to shorten the pipes. In fact, regular cutters can’t deal with these works since they don’t have enough power to cut pipes accurately and efficiently.

Then, plumbers need more advanced cutters to accelerate their workflow. Overall, a plasma cutter is assured to create many pipe ends that fit perfectly, including the quicker cut and smooth edge.

  • Metal Art

A plasma cutter is expected to be very beneficial for artists. Namely, they can use a miniature version of a commercial plasma cutter to create tiny cuts.

As a result, artists could fabricate a large number of complicated models and patterns. By the way, they are also able to produce metal stencils to make art by using a plasma cutter, too.

  • Other General Uses

With a plasma cutter, car and motorbike riders can make serious metal upgrades for their vehicles. Or anyone good at home repairing can use this tool to mend weed eaters, gutters, fences, barbecues, etc.

On the farm, this machine is a good supporter for cutting fences or fixing holes in the corrugated steel box or warehouse roof.


In the end, the answer to the question “what can you do with a plasma cutter?” is already given in the most detailed way. In general, you could do a lot of things with a plasma cutter.

However, this tool will promote the best efficiency in the five fields mentioned above. What about you? What are you going to do with your plasma cutter? Share with us by dropping a comment below!

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